The Section of General Surgery at Mayo Clinic in Florida has one of the most experienced groups of general surgeons in the United States. The staff members perform more than 1,600 operations annually.

General surgeons at Mayo Clinic in Florida specialize in removing cancerous tumors and abdominal wall hernias and have special expertise in surgery of the breast, liver, pancreas, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, colon, rectum (Section of Colon & Rectal Surgery) and vascular system (Section of Vascular Surgery). Surgeons provide modern, comprehensive care for routine problems and for critically ill patients. They are involved in clinical trials to help develop new therapies and procedures and advance the science of medicine.

Mayo surgeons offer a collaborative approach to patient care, working closely with colleagues in other surgical and medical specialties to find the best treatment approach for each patient.

Innovative Services and Special Programs

  • Minimally invasive surgery. Mayo Clinic surgeons have been at the forefront of using minimally invasive surgery. General surgeons at Mayo in Florida perform more than 350 of these procedures each year. Read more about minimally invasive surgery, a technique that has many advantages for patients.
  • MIRP: minimally invasive radioguided parathyroidectomy. The surgical procedure to remove a parathyroid gland (called a parathyroidectomy) used to require an incision across the neck, general anesthesia and at least an overnight stay in a hospital. With new technology, removing an overactive parathyroid gland (adenoma) is quicker, less invasive and just as successful as the standard procedure.
  • Multidisciplinary Breast Clinic
  • Pancreas surgery. Mayo Clinic in Florida is one of the largest centers in the Southeast for diagnosing and treating pancreatic diseases. Surgeons who specialize in pancreatic procedures, including the highly complex Whipple procedure for pancreatic cancer, work with other specialists and scheduling staff to offer quick access to services.
  • Anti-reflux surgery. For patients whose chronic heartburn cannot be managed by medications or other therapies, a laparoscopic nissen fundoplication offers relief.