A dental hygienist goes over oral care instructions with a patient. Dental care that meets your needs

Mayo Clinic Department of Dental Specialties provides care to people with a wide range of needs.

Each year children and adults find help at Mayo Clinic for serious and complex dental conditions that need specialized care. Mayo Clinic's Department of Dental Specialties team in Minnesota brings together a team of specialists to provide expert care in these areas:

  • Dental hygiene.
  • Dental sleep medicine, which offers dental appliances for people who can't use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine.
  • Dental or facial appliances (maxillofacial prosthetics) to help restore anatomy or function.
  • Oral care for people with a history of head or neck cancer or who are undergoing cancer treatment (dental oncology).
  • Hospital-based children's dentistry.
  • Orthodontics.
  • Guidance of facial growth and development (dentofacial orthopedics).
  • Restoration of missing teeth with dental implants (periodontics).
  • Restoration and replacement of missing or damaged teeth with artificial devices (prosthodontics).
  • Restoration of dental implants with crowns or full-mouth appliances (prosthodontics).

Care designed around you

Our specialists use advanced procedures and techniques to address dental conditions. They work with you to create a care plan that meets your needs and goals.

Collaborative care

A dentist specializing in prosthodontics works with a dental lab technician. Getting the right fit

A dentist who specializes in treating complex dental and facial conditions (prosthodontist) works with dental lab technicians to make dental crowns that fit precisely.

The dental specialties team coordinates your care with doctors in other specialties as needed, such as oral maxillofacial surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, otolaryngology, radiation oncology, and medical oncology. By working together, these experts help ensure each person gets exactly the care needed for serious and complex oral health conditions.

Mayo Clinic's Department of Dental Specialties in Minnesota provides collaborative care for adults and children who require specialized dental care. Depending on the person's needs, the care team may include one or more specialists.

Our doctors work with colleagues in head and neck surgery, plastic surgery, sleep medicine, and ear, nose and throat surgery, also called otolaryngology.


  • Mayo Clinic Dental Specialties
    Mayo Clinic Building, Fourth Floor
    200 First Street SW
    Rochester, MN 55905
  • Phone: 507-284-2850